Sunday, January 23, 2011

The bloody tyrant's mask has been removed

A hell-kite ravaging the land much like Macbeth.
Macbeth was once thought honest. He had earned the trust and golden opinions of many while he was a general. Now, as King, he is a hell-kite who destroys effortlessly, consumes all, and spares none. His charade is over.

The murder of Duncan was merely the calm before the storm. Macbeth was hungry: destruction and demise was eminent. I went to England to convince Malcolm to reclaim the throne. I acted too late.

Macbeth took off his mask when he performed his most vile of acts: he murdered my own family! He has no children; he will never know what its like to lose the dearest to our hearts, nor will he know what it's like to be responsible for their death. He cannot be trusted with his own life, let alone an entire country.

How I wish I could have protected them! I should have seen the signs: Duncan, and then Banquo; I was next. It's been coming for some time. Instead, I went to England in an attempt to help my country. With a dead Scotland, and no loved ones, the sun feels cold, and the rain is hard. 

"Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm.
I know;
It's been coming for some time.
When it's over, so they say,
It'll rain a sunny day."
"Yesterday, and days before,
Sun is cold and rain is hard."

The only way to make right of my wrongs is to join forces with Malcolm and Siward, so that we may take siege over the his castle and put an end to his miserable life and path of destruction. The one who was most trusted is now the most hated. Beware, Macbeth, for your reckless actions will be matched with mine!

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